Scanning 3D for quality control in industry is one of the methods to help detect errors and optimize product quality. This technology is being applied by famous automobile manufacturers; to check the quality of their automotive design and manufacturing.
Transparent plastic PLA Transparent PLA plastic, also known as transparent PLA filament, is a 3D printing material with many outstanding advantages, has many uses and is very environmentally friendly. Transparent PLA is a PLA resin that is created through a plant-processing process (corn, potatoes, beets, etc.) so transparent and naturally friendly to the environment. Transparent […]
3D scanning and 3D printing, the technology seems far away but very close. 3D technology brings many benefits to life. It is applied in many industries. This article introduces 3D scanning and 3D printing applications in the mold industry.
PLASTIC PLA Plastic PLA filament is commonly used in 3D printing with many outstanding advantages. Flexible PLA resins feel almost like rubber, allowing the creation of prints with rubber-like properties. PLA resins are produced from renewable resources, such as corn starch and sugarcane stalks, etc. Because of their organic origin, this plastic is very environmentally […]