3D Scanning – Engine Block – In a rainy day at the end of June, we were asked by one of our customers to come and scan the entirety of the engine of a Toyota Camry at a car garage.
The manager of the car garage wished to have a complete design of the car’s interior parts for the purpose of the garage’s operations. So, our 3D Scanning service became the ideal choice, as we can use the scanning technology to recreate the entire engine on a computerized CAD model. What other methods required an entire day, our team scanned and processed the 3D model in just a few hours.
The object of scanning was extremely complex with a great many details, which required us to not only scan the front but also top, left, right and bottom, separating several scanning files of different angles of the object and then aligning different files together in a post-scanning process.
After the scanning process, the raw data from scan file will go through our professional Reverse Engineering software, Geomagic Design X, where the scan file will be processed, adjusted and removed of errors so that the final results will be of the highest accurate to the real-life object as possible. From the processed scanned data, we can Reverse Engineer the parts and piece them together, then send back to our customer the expected model post-modifications.
Every component, even down to the smallest details such as the nuts and bolts, are transparently visible on the CAD model. Our service is dedicated to the highest of quality and accuracy, to ensure that our final results are 99.9% accurate to the real object.
For further information, please contact:
Công ty TNHH Smart Design Labs
Địa chỉ: Phòng 305B, số 86 Lê Trọng Tấn, Khương Mai, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Số điện thoại: 024 7300 1262
Hotline: 039 595 5749 | 035 873 6772
Email: contact@3dshop.com.vn
Facebook: Smart Design Labs Co., Ltd.
Tags: 3D Scanning Vietnam, Reverse Engineering Vietnam, Quét 3D, Thiết kế ngược, In 3D.